- DENMARK: Belgian Blue sires fire-up dairy cows
- HUNGARY: Commercial crossing using Belgian White Blue
- 98% of the births without any Caesarian section
- The Belgian Blue in Crossing
- ITALY: Use of crossbreeding with beef bulls in dairy herds
- HUNGARY: Commercial crossing using Belgian White Blue and Charolais semen
in Hungarian Grey herd - CANADA: The use of double-muscled cattle breeds in terminal crosses: Meat quality
- CANADA: The use of double-muscled cattle breeds in terminal crosses:
Animal performance and blood metabolites - DENMARK: Only Belgian Blues are fit for cross breeding
- DENMARK: Belgian Blue sires and dairy cows – a questionnaire
- 10 tips to Successful Crossbreeding
- PORTUGAL: Charolais & BBB bulls at suckling cow herds
- OSTERREICH: Seine Rinderlieblinge sind Weis-Blau